GCBC - Sister Dalton

General Conference Book Club - Week 17
Sister Elaine Dalton
"Love Her Mother"

This was my absolute favorite talk from conference this time.  I had so many thoughts running through my head while it was given.

First, I was grateful for my own father.  He's absolutely the best.  I never felt unwanted or unloved or unbeautiful (I know that's not a real word), and because I knew without a doubt that my earthly father loved me, it was easy to know that my Heavenly Father did too.  That's really the greatest gift I've ever received and I'll cherish it forever.

Second, I was grateful for the father of my children.  He's absolutely the best too!  He's a great father of sons, and it's been a challenge to father a daughter, a challenge that has pushed him out of his comfort zone. There really is a difference between boys and girls.  However, he's following all of Sister Dalton's advice, so I hope listening to this talk helped him feel better about that role.
Third, I was grateful for my son who is a new father of a daughter.  I remember how touched I was with the picture he sent of him meeting her for the very first time.  I'm grateful that he's been taught how to be a great father, and I'm looking forward to seeing the future unfold.  He's already doing a terrific job!!

Last, I kept thinking about the next grandchild that will be joining our family shortly.  In October we didn't know if it would be a boy or a girl, but my intuition felt it might be a girl.  And since I needed a project to work on during conference, and I knew someone expecting a baby girl that could use it if my intuition was wrong (it wasn't), I went with a pink baby afghan.  As I stitched I thought of these sweet little girls that are just about to begin their journey on earth. They are so blessed to have parents who already love them, love the gospel, and are anxious to help them return to Heavenly Father.  And I'm grateful for living prophets and leaders who are there to help us too.
I am grateful to be surrounded by men who "are not ordinary men," men who take their responsibility to be "guardians of the home" seriously, men who love women, whether they're little girls or aging grandmothers. What a marvelous blessing!

P.S.  Don't forget to read all the other comments on this talk!


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