Nativity Countdown #2

There was another nativity decoration not packed away in the closet, because this one flips around with a year-round "Prayer changes things" message on the back. Isn't that a clever idea? A lot of our nativity sets I purchased myself, but this one was a gift. That is one reason it's special.

Another reason I love it is because of its simple message. Behold means to observe and see. I love that we're encouraged to look to the Savior year-round, but particularly at Christmas. Follow his example. Follow his teachings. Do our part to bring peace on earth and share goodwill with others.

Finally, I just love this particular picture of Mary and Joseph and baby Jesus. It's filled with love and hope and adoration. We can have those same emotions as we look to the Savior. Look for the miracles and tender mercies that abound this time of year. Look for kindness and compassion. Look for opportunities to serve and bring joy and happiness to others.


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