Attribute #16 - Gentleness

Nicala's a pretty smart and humble person as well; it's part of what makes her perfect for Steven. However, we're not talking about humility today, but gentleness. This may not be the best picture portraying this, but it's the best I have. It takes gentleness to be able to cradle a baby in your arms.

Gentleness: kindness, amiability; free from sternness, harshness or violence; mildness

Galatians 5:22
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith.

As always, the Savior is the perfect example of gentleness. While it's a quality often portrayed in interactions with children, adults appreciate gentleness as well. A few years ago, President Monson linked this quality to Christmas by suggesting it's one of the gifts we give to each other and the Savior.

To catch the real meaning of the spirit of Christmas, we need only seek the Spirit of Christ. May we give as the Savior gave. To give of oneself is a holy gift. We give as a remembrance of all the Savior has given. May we also give gifts that have eternal value, along with our gifts that eventually break or are forgotten. How much better the world would be if we all gave gifts of understanding and compassion, of service and friendship, of kindness and gentleness. As the Christmas season envelops us with all its glory, may we, as did the Wise Men, seek a bright, particular star to guide us in our celebration of the Savior’s birth. May we all make the journey to Bethlehem in spirit, taking with us a tender, caring heart as our gift to the Savior.

Too soon to have pictures of her with her baby, so we'll go with this one instead.
This year on Christmas Day, Nicala will have been a mother for an entire month. I'm sure she's having plenty of practice with gentleness, and will become even more of an expert as her sweet daughter grows.


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