Holy Places

Many years ago a read a quote that keeps returning to my mind, and once again today I wanted to find the actual source, so here it is:

"A holy place is any place where a person enjoys the Spirit of God."

I thought for sure some apostle or prophet made that statement, and maybe they did, but the actual quote is commentary for D&C 87 in the institute student manual, which was referred to in the old D&C seminary teacher's manual (which, unfortunately, I can't find online today), but here's the lesson in the current one.

The current lesson also includes this quote by Sister Sharon G. Larsen, which expands nicely on the simple statement above:

Standing in holy places is all about being in good company, whether you are alone or with others. It’s being where the Holy Ghost is our companion—alone or in a crowd. When we determine within ourselves that we will control our thoughts and our actions and be the best we can possibly be, the best of life will come to us. …

“… Regardless of what is going on around you, you can practice creating an environment of your own, filled with the Spirit of the Lord. …

Holy places can be wherever you are—alone, in a crowd, with strangers, with friends. … There are things you can do to bring holiness to ordinary places” (April 2002 general conference).

More recently, Sister Ann M. Dibb gave a talk on holy places - Your Holy Places. I liked the thought that these places can be not only actual geographic locations but also moments in time. 

Even more recently, Bishop Gérald Caussé made the following statement:

"Our very presence and influence can be enough to make wherever we find ourselves a holy place."

Thank you to Jocelyn for reminding me of this. And go here to find out about their great family tradition. Hint - it involves a family theme and blowing out candles.


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