Elder Ballard

Elder M. Russell Ballard

Official Biography

"Getting to know him" article

General Conference talks by Elder Ballard (at least the ones in this century!)

Elder Ballard was called to be an apostle in 1985, after serving for about ten years as a seventy. He has given a lot of talks! However, my binder started with 2000, so that's where this list will start. He is a great-great-grandson of Hyrum Smith, and knowing that helps me understand his love for church history. He has also used some memorable imagery and analogies - fly fishing, bees and beehives, wilted tomato plants, and more - to help emphasize the importance of focusing our lives on loving God and serving others, in honoring our covenants and enduring to the end.

April 2000 - "How Is It with Us?" - "The most important thing every one of us can do is to examine our own commitment and devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ. We must carefully guard against spiritual apathy."

October 2000 - Now Is the Time - "True and complete conversion is the key to accelerating the work of the Church."

April 2001 - "His Word Ye Shall Receive" - "If you will listen to the living prophet and the apostles and heed our counsel, you will not go astray."

October 2001 - Doctrine of Inclusion - Love one another. Be kind. Treat others with respect and civility.

April 2002 - The Peaceable Things of the Kingdom - "Peace - real peace, whole-souled to the very core of your being - comes only in and through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ."

October 2002 - The Greatest Generation of Missionaries - Young men need to be covenant makers and covenant keepers, fully prepared to serve the Lord. "This isn't a time for spiritual weaklings."

April 2003 - The Essential Role of Member Missionary Work - Reach out to others; radiate the gospel in our own lives.

October 2003 - Let Our Voices Be Heard - "Help turn the tide in the media away from darkness toward truth and light."

April 2004 - The Atonement and the Value of One Soul - "The irony of the Atonement is that it is infinite and eternal, yet it is applied individually, one person at a time."

October 2004 - Pure Testimony - Real testimony changes lives. "To gain and forever hold on to a testimony of gospel truths is worth whatever price in spiritual preparation we may be required to pay."

April 2005 - One More - Establish a rich tradition of missionary service.

October 2005 - What Matters Most is What Lasts Longest - Put family first. "Hold up like a banner the proclamation to the world on the family."

April 2006 - Creating a Gospel-Sharing Home - Let the spirit that emanates from our homes be our message to the world.

October 2006 - O Be Wise - in fulfilling church callings, with your time, in balancing responsibilities

April 2007 - The Miracle of the Holy Bible

October 2007 - Faith, Family, Facts, and Fruits

April 2008 - Daughters of God - "There is no one perfect way to be a good mother."

October 2008 - The Truth of God Shall Go Forth - Growth of church continues with committed, consecrated, converted, covenant people.

April 2009 - Learning the Lessons of the Past

October 2009 - Fathers and Sons: A Remarkable Relationships

April 2010 - Mothers and Daughters

October 2010 - O That Cunning Plan of the Evil One

April 2011 - Finding Joy through Loving Service - Live the Golden Rule

October 2011 - The Importance of a Name - Using the correct name of the church is not something new. "Saint simply refers to those who seek to make their lives holy by covenanting to follow Christ."

April 2012 - That the Lost may be Found - The most important cause of our lifetime is our families. Prioritize, focus on, and live the truths in the family proclamation.

October 2012 - Be Anxiously Engaged - "Our troubled world needs this love of Christ [shown through simple, small, compassionate, daily acts of service] today more than ever, and it will need it even more in the years ahead."

April 2013 - "This Is My Work and Glory" - Priesthood power is used to bless, sanctify, and purify. "Both the procreative power and the priesthood power are shared by husband and wife." 

October 2013 - Put Your Trust in the Lord - Pray for opportunities to share the gospel.

April 2014 - Following Up - Extend invitations and share the gospel.

October 2014 - Stay in the Boat and Hold On! - Increase faith and faithfulness.

April 2015 - The Greatest Generation of Young Adults - Keep living the gospel after missions.

October 2015 - God is at the Helm

April 2016 - Family Councils

October 2016  - To Whom Shall We Go? - Minister to others and nourish faith. Cherish, protect and nurture our precious relationships with family, friends, and God.

April 2017 - Return and Receive - Set a goal for eternal life.

October 2017 - The Trek Continues - Embrace others on the journey.

April 2018 - Precious Gifts from God - Sabbath Day, service, sacrament, Savior

October 2018 - The Vision of the Redemption

April 2019 - The True, Pure, and Simple Gospel of Jesus Christ - It's a privilege to minister to others.

October 2019 - Giving Our Spirits Control over Our Bodies - Remember our spirits were successful in choosing righteousness over evil in the premortal world.

April 2020 - Shall We Not Go On in So Great a Cause?


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