"I Was There"

"I Was There"

I was there

When the morning stars all sang together
And the sons of God shouted for joy.

I was there
When Jehovah was signaled Redeemer
And was chosen to save all mankind.

I was there
When the Lord laid the Earth's first foundation
And commenced the great work of the plan.

I was there
When the eyes of the woman were opened
And the knowledge of good came to be.

I was there
When the angels spake peace to the shepherds
And a virgin gave birth in a stall.

I was there
When my Savior bore sickness and sorrow
And emerged from the darkest abyss.

I was there
When our Father appeared to young Joseph
And the Heavens were opened once more.

I was there
When I prayed on my knees at my bedside
And the Holy Ghost whispered to me:

"You were there."

by Elder Bradley Whitaker

Brad mentioned he wrote this poem after a testimony meeting where someone shared the following idea: "I wasn't there when Joseph Smith say Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, but I know it's true through the Holy Ghost." Joseph Smith may not have been able to see us, but I think I agree with Brad, that we were there.


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