Power Phrases

Jeff requested a list of the power phrases we used in seminary as a tool to help the students discover principles and doctrines on their own. I thought it might be a good idea to post them here so others can find them as well. As teachers we'd assign a short scripture block to each student or pair of students. Then they had to pick one of these statements and share with the class. It led to some terrific discussions. They really work, because even if the student didn't understand anything, they could fall back on #3.

  1. I want to make a comment on this verse.
  2. I have a question about that scripture.
  3. I don't understand that verse.
  4. Look! I found a principle.
  5. Hey, look down. There's a helpful footnote.
  6. There's a scripture mastery verse that goes with that.
  7. I want to bear testimony about the principle in that verse.
  8. I know another scripture that goes with that verse.
  9. I just had an epiphany.
  10. That scripture makes me feel good because __________.

One day we brainstormed some additional "power phrases" and when I find that list, I'll add them. In the meantime, feel free to add to the list yourself!


  1. This is a great idea! Did you have these written on a poster on the wall?

  2. We did have them on a poster. We also made bookmarks for each student to keep in their scriptures. And sometimes we would put each phrase on individual cards and "pull them out of a hat" to get some variety.


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