GCBC - Elder Curtis

General Conference Book Club
Elder LeGrand R. Curtis, Jr.

Elder Curtis is my mom's cousin, so my ears perked up just a bit more while he spoke during conference. (Find his talk here.) And I loved his talk, particularly the "stories of redemption" and the importance of helping others come to Christ. I'm thankful that my parents took that role in my life. I'm thankful for a heritage of pioneer ancestors. And I'm determined to do my best so that my children and grandchildren know that we can all be redeemed and return to live with our Heavenly Father because of our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ.

Here's my favorite quote from the talk - "Those who have strayed significantly from the paths of righteousness desperately need this redemption, and if they fully repent, it is theirs to claim. But those who have worked hard to live good lives also desperately need this redemption, for none can get to the presence of the Father without Christ's help."


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