Little Things

I've come across two thought-provoking blog posts in the last little while that I don't want to forget, so here they are:


which contained this "new to me" quote.
“Life, after all,” said President David O. McKay, “is made up of little things. Our life, our being, physically, is made up here of little heart beats. Let that little heart stop beating, and life in this world ceases. The great sun is a mighty force in the universe, but we receive the blessings of his rays because they come to us as little beams, which taken in the aggregate, fill the whole world with sunlight. The dark night is made pleasant by the glimmer of what seem to be little stars; and so the true Christian life is made up of little Christ-like acts performed this hour, this minute…wherever our life and acts may be cast.” 

Isn't that a beautiful quote?  (You can find it here in a chapter on developing Christlike character.) 

Enjoy a beautiful day of doing wonderful, extraordinary, simple, little things!


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