Learning Something New

Today, during the Relief Society lesson on education, I was reminded of a quote that has brought me much comfort over the years. I'm sure this phrase stuck with me when I heard it at the General Women's Meeting in September 1992 because I had spent that day putting the idea into practice. Sister Pearce's talk really was on how to overcome fear, but this phrase helps me remember the importance of learning new things.

Do things that you don't know how to do - yet!

That year we were working on finishing our basement, and that particular day we had tackled the project of framing out a window. It had originally been in a window well, but we had it exposed to create a walk-in basement door, and we wanted it to look nicer. Now I don't remember too much about the project, but I do remember it involved figuring out miter cuts and multiple trips to Home Depot. It took a lot longer than we had anticipated, but at the end of the day, we had learned new skills and were pleased with our efforts. We've had many opportunities since then to put this principle into practice!
I guess I never took a picture of the finished door and window, but I did take pictures of the hole being dug and the retaining wall and steps being poured. It was quite a project, but we did create a walk-out basement!

Here's the actual quote:  "[An] idea that has been helpful to me was reportedly expressed by Vincent van Gogh, a famous painter. He said, 'I am always doing what I can’t do yet in order to learn how to do it.' A large part of conquering daily fear is simply doing things that we don’t know how to do—yet."


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