Attribute #19 - Integrity

While researching integrity, I came across a great conference talk by Carol Thomas: Integrity. She describes how when replying to her daughter's question of what to look for in a future spouse, integrity was the top answer, and she gave this definition:

Integrity means to do what you say you will do; you keep promises to yourself.

I don't know if integrity was on Cody's list, but if it was, she found it in Brad; it's one of the first traits I think of when I think of him. He's given us plenty of examples over the years of how to live with integrity.

I love that we could always (and still can) trust Brad to do what he said he would do. He's kind yet firm; fun-loving and playful yet reverent and respectful. He's a wonderful example to others, a good leader, inclusive and compassionate. He's just authentic, which I think is the epitome of integrity.

Integrity: An unimpaired condition, soundness, incorruptibility; firm adherence to a code of moral conduct; undivided, complete.

D&C 124:15
I, the Lord, love him because of the integrity of his heart, and because he loveth that which is right before me, saith the Lord.

In the talk referenced above, Sister Thomas also said this:

Everyone comes into this world with different levels of integrity. Have you ever wondered what qualified Jesus to be given the role as Savior of the world? He was the Firstborn of the Father, chosen from the beginning. But what really made Him perfect? It was His total dedication and desire to please our Father in Heaven. The Savior was capable of sinning, but His desire for “honesty [was] an armor against temptation” (James E. Talmage, Jesus the Christ, 3rd ed. [1916], 134). The Savior said, “I do always those things that please [the Father]” (John 8:29). We know that throughout His life, He consistently made right choices. He had the moral courage to make His actions consistent with His knowledge of right and wrong.

President Hinckley has said: “In all this world there is no substitute for personal integrity. It includes honor. It includes performance. It includes keeping one’s word. It includes doing what is right regardless of the circumstances” (Teachings of Gordon B. Hinckley [1997], 270).

Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin taught:
Integrity means always doing what is right, regardless of the immediate consequences. It means being righteous from the very depth of our soul, not only in our actions but, more importantly, in our thoughts and in our hearts. Personal integrity implies such trustworthiness that we are incapable of being false to a trust or covenant.

I'm grateful there are men and women in this world who live with integrity, and I'm even more grateful I can find these humble and righteous examples within our family.

P.S. If you need to teach a lesson on integrity to teenagers, there's a great little quiz attached to the Elder Wirthlin article, which I'v added here. I love the reminder to always act as we would if the Savior were next to us. It's a great goal for regular daily living.

Having integrity means being honest, even in the little things. Here’s a quiz to help you see if your integrity is beyond price. Read through each situation. Then think what you should do.
  • You have a test coming up. Others with the same teacher have already taken the exam. They offer to tell you what the questions are.
  • Some of your friends are telling jokes you find offensive.
  • You’ve found a prom dress you really like, but you know it’s immodest.
  • You’ve done something you think you should talk to the bishop about. But you’re afraid of what he’ll think if you tell him.
  • You feel unworthy to take the sacrament, but you’re afraid people will notice if you don’t.
  • You’re supposed to read some lines from a play. But the lines contain swear words.
  • You got home late, and your parents were already asleep. Should you tell them you missed curfew?
  • Some of your friends want you to sluff class with them.
  • You’re walking by some open barrels of candy in the store. It would be easy to take a few “just to see what they taste like.”
  • You promised your mom you’d clean your room before you left. But you’re already late for a movie.

The correct response to each situation can be found by responding to this question: “What would I do if the Savior were here?”


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