Attribute #20 - Steadfastness

Mom Whitaker

Steadfastness: Firm purpose; unwavering resolution; fixed direction

Helaman 15:8
Therefore, as many as have come to this [knowledge from scriptures along with faith in Christ], ye know of yourselves are firm and steadfast in the faith, and in the thing wherewith they have been made free.

3 Nephi 6:14
[Those converted to the true faith] were firm, and steadfast, and immovable, willing with all diligence to keep the commandments of the Lord.

It takes a bit of determination, firmness and resolution to raise three boys (and one girl), and Mom Whitaker definitely displays these attributes. I'm grateful for her example. I knew if she and my grandmother could raise active boys to become strong men, then so could I.

Christmas 1971
Those who are steadfast understand the importance of setting goals and making plans. Mom knew we had a tradition of cinnamon rolls for breakfast on Christmas morning, so when they visited us one year, she decided to help make life easier for me and picked up some cinnamon rolls at the bakery. I'll always remember and appreciate that thoughtfulness, an act that shows her resolute steadfastness in loving and serving others.

Christmas baking 1994 - cookies but not cinnamon rolls
Christmas 1994 - Don't forget the graham cracker houses!

This is the nativity I associate with Mom, maybe because she gave it to us, but also because it speaks of purity, firmness and endurance, characteristics she portrays as well.

Last year's attribute - Organization


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