Elder Bednar
Elder Bednar
Elder Bednar has shared some pretty memorable analogies in his talks, including pickles, light switches, rope, and cheetahs. I like how he points out contrasts and similarities. For example, the essence of testimony is knowing the gospel is true and the essence of conversion is being true to the gospel, or the Savior's Atonement can help us avoid evil and overcome bad and do good and become better, or the Sabbath is a sacred time, the temple is a sacred space, and our homes should be both a sacred time and a sacred space.
It's difficult to pick just a few favorite quotes, but here are some contenders:
"One of the ways whereby the Savior comes to us is through His abundant and tender mercies."
"Taking the Holy Spirit for our guide is possible and is essential for our spiritual growth and survival in an increasingly wicked world."
"The prayers of the prophets are childlike in their simplicity and powerful because of their sincerity."
"What we know is not always reflected in what we do." (But it should be!)
"Ordinances that are received worthily and rememberd continually open the heavenly channels through which the power of godliness can flow into our lives. Covenants that are honored steadfastly and remembered always provide purpose and the assurance of blessings in both motality and for eternity."
What would you add?
I also appreciate his ability to define words and explain concepts in new and enlightening ways. Everytime I think of the word "discern" I think of Elder Bednar. The gift of discernment includes seeing good and evil in both ourselves and in others. The mysteries are those matters only known by the power of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is our Liahona for today. "Testimony is personal knowledge, based upon the witness of the Holy Ghost, that certain facts of eternal significance are true." Grace is an ennobling power.
October 2004 - In the Strength of the Lord
April 2005 - The Tender Mercies of the Lord
October 2005 - Becoming a Missionary
April 2006 - That We May Always Have His Spirit to be with Us
October 2006 - And Nothing Shall Offend Them
April 2007 - Ye Must Be Born Again
October 2007 - Clean Hands and a Pure Heart
April 2008 - Ask in Faith
October 2008 - Pray Always
April 2009 - Honorably Hold a Name and a Standing
October 2009 - More Diligent and Concerned at Home
April 2010 - Watching with All Perseverence
October 2010 - Receive the Holy Ghost
April 2011 - The Spirit of Revelation
October 2011 - The Hearts of the Children shall Turn
April 2012 - The Powers of Heaven
October 2012 - Converted unto the Lord
April 2013 - We Believe in Being Chaste
October 2013 - The Windows of Heaven
April 2014 - Bear Up their Burdens with Ease
October 2014 - Come and See
April 2015 - Therefore They Hushed their Fears
October 2015 - Chosen to Bear Testimony of My Name
April 2016 - Always Retain a Remission of Your Sins
October 2016 - If Ye had Known Me
April 2017 - Called to the Work
October 2017 - Exceeding Great and Precious Promises
April 2018 - Meek and Lowly of Heart
October 2018 - Gather Together in One All Things in Christ
April 2019 - Prepared to Obtain Every Needful Thing
October 2019 - Watchful Unto Prayer Continually
April 2020 - "Let This House be Built unto My Name"
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