Elder Soares

A few years ago, I felt prompted to print out and read all the general conference talks of our current apostles. Doing so was a great experience. I recently noticed those binders and felt compelled to go through them again. Recognizing recurring topics and themes has been very beneficial for me and helps me feel closer to these witnesses of Christ. I hope that by recording my thoughts here will be helpful to someone else as well. I've discovered it's a wonderful way to prepare for general conference.

Elder Ulisses Soares

Official Biography

"Get to Know Him" article

List of conference talks

My favorite quote comes from a talk he gave as a seventy where he encouraged us to elevate all of our thoughts, words and actions to the level of the divinity of our heavenly parents, reminding us that "the Savior banished from His life any influence that might take His focus away from His divine mission." How am I doing at accomplishing my mission here on earth?

You can find links to all of these talks at the link above, but I wanted to record all the titles here. The first five were given before he was ordained an apostle.

October 2005 - Feed My Sheep

April 2012 - Abide in the Lord's Territory

October 2013 - Be Meek and Lowly in Heart

April 2015 - Yes, We Can and Will Win! (the fight against evil)

April 2017 - Confide in God Unwaveringly (as a way to increase faith) 

April 2018 - Prophets Speak by the Power of the Holy Ghost

October 2018 - One in Christ

April 2019 - How Can I Understand? (seek to learn and then teach others by word and example)

October 2019 - Take Up Our Cross (love Christ, obey commandments, trust God's timing)

April 2020 - The Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon

I though it was interesting that his first conference talk as a seventy, and again his first one after being called as an apostle, had very similar themes - everyone needs to feel loved, wanted, and needed. Service leads to unity.


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