Three More Stories for a Baptism

The next grandchild in line made the decision to be baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We are so proud of her, and were grateful to be present for this special occasion. We even got to participate in the program. This time it was Grandma's turn to give the talk on baptism.

Story #1 was a repeat of a story I told previously, but repetition is good, and Clara wasn't even at that baptism. It's important to remember to obey your parents quickly, a lesson I learned one summer eveing when I didn't and ended up getting hurt. 

Quickly I'll Obey 

When my mother calls me,
Quickly I’ll obey.
I want to do just what is best
Each and ev’ry day.
When my father calls me,
Quickly I’ll obey.
I want to do just what is best
Each and ev’ry day.
Heav’nly Father loves me,
Blesses me each day.
I want to do just what is best
Each and ev’ry day.

Story #2 comes from David's mission, and is a good example of obeying quickly. They were teaching a family about treating our bodies as temples of God and the importance of modesty and purity in thought and action. When the teenage daughter realized she was wearing an immodest shirt, she ran into her room and came back wearing a sweatshirt - even though it was a very hot day. David was impressed with her desire to obey a prophet's counsel immediately.

Story #3 illustrates how repentance can really erase the effects of sin. One day Clara's harp was knocked over which broke a piece of wood out of the windowsill. However, with time and work, the flaw was able to be repaired, so that no one would know the accident had even happened. Because of the Savior's Atonement, our lives can be repaired and healed as well. What a beautiful blessing!


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