Some Advice at a Baptism

Because Robyn shared her baptism with another young girl, she only got to ask one grandparent to speak, and Grandpa Chamberlain got that honor. He shared some thoughts on the Holy Ghost and encouraged Robyn to remember three things. That's wise counsel for each of us.

  1. The Holy Ghost is a member of the Godhead.
  2. The Holy Ghost can always be with us.
  3. It's okay to ask questions!

The closing hymn was Gethsemane (words and music by Melanie Hoffmann). Grandpa Whitaker heard that song for the first time earlier that month when our Primary children sang it on Easter; however, he didn't quite understand the words. This time he did, and was extremely impressed with their power and truth. We want to always remember the sweet spirit we felt while singing this ourselves. 


Jesus climbed the hill to the garden still.

His steps were heavy and slow.

Love and a prayer took Him there

To the place only He could go.

Gethsemane. Jesus loves me,

So He went willingly to Gethsemane.

He felt all that was sad, wicked, or bad,

All the pain we would ever know.

While His friends were asleep, He fought to keep

His promise made long ago.

Gethsemane. Jesus loves me,

So He went willingly to Gethsemane.

The hardest thing that ever was done,

The greatest pain that ever was known,

The biggest battle that ever was won—

This was done by Jesus!

The fight was won by Jesus!

Gethsemane. Jesus loves me,

So He gave His gift to me in Gethsemane.

Gethsemane. Jesus loves me,

So He gives His gift to me from Gethsemane.


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