Sisterly Thoughts for a Baptism


For this grandchild's baptism, we got to help with the music. Beckham asked his oldest sister to give the talk and she did an excellent job, pointing out the importance of making covenants with God and sharing her testimony that he was making the right choice to follow Jesus.

Evelyn also read the following quote by Elder Dale G. Renlund from the latest general conference:

"The next element of the doctrine of Christ is baptism, which includes the baptism of water and, through confirmation, the baptism of the Holy Ghost. While baptism is a singular event, we renew our baptismal covenant repeatedly when we partake of the sacrament. The sacrament does not replace baptism, but it links the initial elements in the doctrine of Christ—faith and repentance—with reception of the Holy Ghost. As we conscientiously partake of the sacrament, we invite the Holy Ghost into our lives, just like when we were baptized and confirmed. As we keep the covenant described in the sacrament prayers, the Holy Ghost becomes our companion."

Beckham's mom gave her debut harp performance, playing a beautiful rendition of "I Feel My Savior's Love" which reminded me of my own mom's example teaching me to look for that in my life. We're so grateful our grandchildren are choosing to enter the covenant path!


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