Nativity Countdown #7

Technically this set was a Christmas gift from last year, but it didn't come into our possession until January, so this is the first year we've been able to display it. Yesterday's spotlighted nativity reminds me of my past heritage; this one reminds me of my future heritage. (Is that a proper way of putting it? Ancestors vs. descendants or grandparents vs.grandchildren). Anyway, our son and his family picked this set up for us while living and traveling in France, so it will always remind me of them.

Apparently, one of the unique features of these nativity sets is the town crier (homme ravi or delighted man) who is there to let the villagers know the good news of Jesus' birth. I like that thought. I'm grateful that we can all play that role today.
In addition to the usual shepherds and wise men, these sets include villagers. There are dozens to choose from (see here for some examples), but Brad picked the baker (boulanger) and the spinner (fileuse). I think those are appropriate figures to represent us. What would it have been like to have been actual witnesses of the birth of our Savior? Unfortunately, we can't remember, but I'm sure we were there, and I'm grateful for my testimony that this sacred event truly happened.


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